Politecnico di Torino was the first Italian Engineering School founded in the mid 19th century. It is among the top European technical Universities for education and research, with 38,700 students and a teaching staff of more than 1,000.  



Teresa Gatti

The PoliTo team is led by Prof. Teresa Gatti, PI of the PINPOINT project. Prof. Gatti  is a female under-40 associate Professor at PoliTo since October 2022, where she has moved following a direct call from the Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) after being awarded an HEU ERC Starting Grant. She was previously a Research Group Leader at the Center for Materials Research of the Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, where she still maintains an affiliation as external member and continues the scientific mentoring and supervision of 5 PhD students and one postdoc, hired on funding that she has secured over 3.5 years of research activities there (for a total of circa 1.3 M€). Prof. Gatti is a member of the “Electrochemistry Group” at DISAT, together with Prof. Federico Bella, Prof. Silvia Bodoardo and Prof. Carlotta Francia. The group is broadly interested in studying and developing new sustainable energy devices, from solar cells to (photo)electrochemical systems and batteries/supercaps. At the moment, the group is involved in 5 H2020 projects, one HEU and 2 ERC StG, being one of these last ones granted to Prof. Gatti and dealing with the study of Janus layered materials to be employed for PV and photocatalytic purposes (1.5 M€, started Nov. ´22). Prof. Gatti has been working on lead-free perovskites and PIMs for more than 3 years, through the cooperation with many scientists worldwide active in the field (for example: Prof. Robert Hoye, Uni. Oxford; Prof. Vincenzo Pecunia, Simon Fraser Uni.; Prof. Zhubing He, Southern China Uni. of Sci. and Tech.; Dr. Daniele Meggiolaro, CNR Sci-Tech). She is thus highly active in the field and devoted to its growth, through the exploration of novel experimental directions. 

email: teresa.gatti@polito.it

telephone: +39 0110904655 / 4655

Scopus ; Google Scholar ; LinkedIn

Senior Postdoc 

Remah Elrashedy

Dr. Remah Elrashedy is a senior postdoc working in the group of Prof. Teresa Gatti on the PINPOINT project, in strict collaboration with Dr. Francesco Lamberti at the University of Padova, Department of Chemical Sciences. She holds a PhD in Physics with focus on laser ablation from the University of Bari. She has been a cultural mediator in the past few years and she is now back to science to carry on with her career in nanotechnology. In the PINPOINT project, she will work on the synthesis and characterization of perovskite inspired materials based on non-toxic elements, such as bismuth and antimony, and she will investigate the best methods for their solution processing into thin films

email: dr.remah.elrashedy@outlook.com
