The PINPOINT project consists of six workpackages as illustrated, one per PIM material, Cs2AgBiBr6(WP2), BiOI (WP3) and Cs3Sb2I9-xClx (WP4), and a final one, WP5, aimed at optimizing the light harvesting films and devices based on the knowledge gained in the other WPs. Additionally, WP1 concerns the coordination of the overall project and WP6 will coordinate Communication and Dissemination activities, maximizing the scientific impact and social engagement.

Task 1 “Deposition of films with different structural characteristics”: These films will be free of obvious bottlenecks for PV cell efficiency and stability, e.g., they will be uniform and pinhole free. Films with different thickness, crystallite size, texturing and orientation, concentration of defects of different type (which can be obtained by tuning the precursor’s concentration). The unit at Polito will be responsible for the implementation of this task.

Task 2 “Device preparation”: Complete devices will be prepared using charge transfer and electrode materials following standard protocols. Here, the objective will not be to optimise the device but to prepare samples to perform advanced characterisation (task 3) PIM-based devices with the film prepared in task 1. Among the others, the set of device fabricated with different characteristics will enable us to identify the interface aspects responsible for poor charge extraction resulting in the low FF, Voc and Jsc. The PoliTo unit is responsible for the implementation of this task.

Task 3 “Advanced Characterisation”: The main objective of this task is the identification of major bottlenecks of PV cells limiting their performance. The UTV unit is responsible for the implementation of this task. 

Task 4 “Advanced atomistic simulations”: Realistic computational samples of the bulk, GBs and interface materials will be prepared.